Thursday, January 31, 2008

Turning 50

Some thoughts on turning 50 this year...

I can't believe I'm actually turning 50 in March! 50...that's half of one hundred!!!

I don't feel that old! I still feel like I'm learning so much about life and don't have it figured out! I thought that by now I'd have settled in to life and not be learning so much still!!! My body tells me I'm getting older, you know, aches, pains, eyes getting worse by the minute, driving slower because I've become extra cautious, forgetful, tire easily and run out of energy, all things that indicate I'm getting older. The only thing is, my brain tells me I can't be 50!

The thing is, it's better than the alternative and I do thank God for giving me 50 years here on this earth! I hope and pray He gives me many more to keep serving Him and accomplishing the work He's given me to do. Thank you, God, for my life! I just pray that I'll honor you and glorify you with the rest of the days you have given me here on this earth! Praise YOU, Lord!


Unknown said...

you never told anyone you had a blog now! did you really write this a year ago? write something else!

Donna said...

Yes I wrote this a year ago! I never thought anyone would read it and I've never thought I was an interesting enough writer!